A few days ago, we had our usual year-end meeting with the team, reviews, statistics, organising papers and sending out the last orders. While we were doing the yearly assessment exercise of the brand, we realised that we had reached all milestones and goals we had set for ourselves last year. It is simply unbelievable, and a huge thank you to all of you for making this happen!
It is really hard to find the right words to describe what we feel right now, but we will try our best. At the end of the year, we get sentimental, looking back at what we have achieved together and thinking about all the beautiful moments we shared. Creating new and meaningful memories with you gets us excited and motivated all year. As our product line expands, the &T brand constantly evolves, and our mission gets clearer. Our vision is that with every &T bottle, we open up the chance: the chance for a night we might never forget; for a sincere conversation with a loved one; for a memorable toast to someone’s success; for a heart-stopping first date; for catching up with old friends or getting to know new ones; for a relaxing moment after a long day; for new experiences; for a chance to share and feel joy.
&T is there with you to seize happiness every chance you get.
Before we get too emotional and it will be hard to finish this post, let’s look at some exciting facts and numbers about our 2022 achievements:
- Until now, we were the first premium Hungarian tonic water brand. From now on, we can proudly say that we are also the current market leader among Hungarian brands in the segment!
- We officially entered the mixer category of the beverage market.
- With that, the total number of the &T products line reached 11 types and flavours of tonic water and other mixers.
- Our products received their first prestigious international awards (read more about the Great Taste Awards here).
- The number of our &T serving and selling locations is rapidly growing.
- We are days away from launching our brand new B2B mobile app and platform, which will help us create a much better and easier shopping experience for our partners.

Reaching our goals means a great deal to us and shows us that our path is the right one for the brand’s growth. Some would sit back and rest a little bit, but not the fierce &T team! Results are giving us an extra boost for the next year, and we already have exciting flavours and products planned for 2023! With the help of our great partners in the HoReCa sector and several online and offline retailers, we promise to give you the best quality service possible in the new year as well. Make sure you follow us on our social media channels not to miss anything.
The end of a year usually means an end of a period, but it also means the start of something new. It holds the promise within itself of new things to come if you open up to the opportunities. Well, we are definitely open to all the wonderful and exciting things that the journey holds for Us, for You &T.
Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year full of chances to all of our customers, current and potential partners, G&T enthusiasts and mixer fans!
You &T
&T Tonics Team