Can’t stop, won’t stop! This sentence could be our motto for 2022 because, once again, we are thrilled to share more exciting news with you, our dear &T family.

After a warm welcome, followed by the incredible success of our premium Hungarian tonic product line – now available in 8 variations – &T is entering another category of mixers. Get those cocktail glasses ready, because 3 brand-new, premium mixers just hit the Hungarian beverage market.

Introducing (drumroll…):

3 new mixers in the &T House

As you probably know, even though we just broke the news about our new products, we are continuously working on the next ones. It is only the first phase of our mixer ‘takeover’, as our R&D team is already working tirelessly on more products. So hopefully, when you think about mixers for your cocktails – or as a refresher on its own – your first thought will be: ‘Let’s get an &T!’

For more information about getting your hands on the first batch of our new mixers, just click here and get in touch with our team.

It’s a little bit like Christmas came early this year, because we couldn’t wait to give our present to you. Let us know how you like our new mixers. We are eager to hear what you think about them!

You &T
&T Tonics (and Mixers) Team

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